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Replace Your Veneers at Our Parker, CO Clinic

When it’s time for veneer replacement in Parker, CO, come see the experts at Twin Aspen Dental Center. We offer comprehensive dental services to patients throughout the region, and veneer replacement procedures are among our specialties. If your veneers crack, separate from your teeth, or present any other issues, let us help. We will assess your situation before devising a treatment plan to restore your smile and improve your oral health. Learn more about when you need to replace veneers and our process below.

Veneers Should Enhance Your Smile

Veneers serve many purposes, but their most obvious is an improved smile. We offer dental veneers to Parker, CO, patients who want to address concerns about discolored, cracked, or misshapen teeth. However, they are also excellent restorations for those whose missing enamel creates tooth sensitivity problems or individuals with decaying teeth. Simple dental veneers can remedy all the scenarios listed above and give patients an enhanced smile with improved oral health.

When to Say Goodbye to Your Veneers

Dental veneers are permanent solutions to aesthetic or functional problems. However, they are not indestructible. Veneers have an average lifespan of roughly 10 – 15 years. But with proper care and good oral hygiene, many wearers can make them last twice as long. We will provide tips on how to extend your dental veneers’ durability, but we also want you to recognize when it’s time to replace your veneers. Let us know if you notice any of the following so that we can discuss veneer replacement:

  • Chipped or Cracked Veneers – Over time, your veneers may chip, crack, or simply wear down. If this happens, we can provide veneer replacements.
  • Underlying Decayed Teeth – If the tooth underneath your veneer decays significantly, your veneer may separate from it.
  • Veneers Separating from Gums – Gum disease or decay can create a gap where there shouldn’t be one. Proper oral hygiene can prevent this.
  • Stained Veneers – Porcelain veneers are stain-resistant. However, small scratches from normal wear and tear or abrasive oral hygiene products may trap food or plaque. This can create a discolored look that we can fix with veneer replacement.
  • Darkened Veneers – The cement used to bond veneers to your teeth may darken over time and eventually be evident through your veneers. We cannot reverse this effect, but we can replace your veneers to restore your smile.
  • Poor Sizing – Twin Aspen Dental takes special care to guarantee proper sizing with all our dental veneers. However, if you have dental veneers from a previous dentist and they aren’t a perfect fit, we can replace them.
  • Improper Application – If veneers aren’t applied properly, they are at risk of falling off. Come visit us if this ever happens to you.

Twin Aspen Dental Center’s Veneer Replacement Process

As you might expect, the dental veneer replacement process is similar to the initial installation. We will first meet with you to discuss your goals and expectations for your new veneers. After this consultation, we will prepare your existing teeth and veneers. This is where the process differs slightly. In your initial veneer placement, your dentist removed existing enamel to create a space to attach veneers. When you need to replace veneers, we treat them like natural enamel. We will file your veneers and remove as much of the old bonding agent as possible before taking a new impression of your mouth. Your expert dentists at Twin Aspen Dental Center will use this impression to create veneers that fit perfectly into place. Lastly, we will apply them using a strong bonding agent that will leave your mouth looking great for years to come.

How to Maintain Your Dental Veneers

Whether you are on your first set of dental veneers or using replacement veneers, it’s critical to take care of them. Treat them as if they are your natural teeth to ensure long-lasting durability. Among our top tips for dental veneer maintenance are:

  • Use a Soft-Bristle Toothbrush – Extend the life of your dental veneers by treating them gently. This includes using a soft-bristle toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste.
  • Floss Daily – Regular flossing will help you prevent gum disease, which could create a gap between your gums and veneers.
  • Use Your Teeth Wisely – Don’t use your veneers or teeth as tools. Chew foods with them, but don’t use them to open packages.
  • Wear a Mouthguard – If you play sports or participate in physical activities, wear a mouthguard to prevent veneer damage.
  • Visit Twin Aspen Dental Center for Regular Cleanings – Professional cleanings will help maintain your veneers while allowing us to monitor their strength and durability.

Contact Twin Aspen Dental Center Today

Dental veneers are made to last, but you still may have to renew them eventually. When that time comes, enlist Twin Aspen Dental Center for your veneer replacement in Parker, CO. Contact us today to learn more about whether you need dental veneer replacement and the process as a whole.